Saturday 15 May 2010

Guidance for Members on the Competition Subjects for 2010-11

Bill Clark has kindly provided some guidance for this years competition subjects.
Hopefully this should be of benefit for the clubs newer members or people interested in joining our club.
Competition #1
PRINTS - "Silhouettes or Shadows" - Either or both may appear in the picture, but should comprise a significant / important element.
DIGITAL - "A Touch of Red" - Images in which a small patch of red (not purple, pink or orange!) is critical to the success of the picture.
Not a 'blob' or 'blotch' - just a touch!
Competition #2
PRINTS - "Photojournalism" - The definition of this always causes problems - it does NOT mean a picture that might appear in the press.
What’s required are pictures in which the story-telling element is paramount.
DIGITAL - "Portraits" [Formal or Informal] - The tag (formal / informal) means that only pictures of people are eligible.
Competition #3
PRINTS - Open - No restrictions here then - this should let you give rein to your creativity!
DIGITAL - "Illustrate a Book or Film Title" - Now, here’s a challenge – let’s see you do something interesting with this one!
Probably best to stick to better-known titles, but otherwise the only limit here is your own imagination!
Competition #4
PRINTS - “Sport or Action”  - No guidance necessary here, surely! Just go and capture something happening!
DIGITAL - "The Natural World" - Anything representative of the biological or the earth sciences – “animal, vegetable or mineral”, you may say.
However, human-bred domestic animals are NOT eligible

Good luck to everyone.

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